In the Network appeared the scandalous video, designed to teach children about Christian values. But the authors of the video did it very unconventionally, which caused an active discussion and debate among users of social networks. As informs a portal “Progorod”, we are talking about an episode of “Sunday school” YouTube channel Perm Evangelical Church. In the video, she explains the “student” — a doll, Sergei — Christian truth: the punishment that awaits sinners after death, and agony in this life and future lives. “The teacher” to demonstrate the crucifixion of Jesus, with a nail stabs a doll with the words: “Come on I’m gonna stab you”. “And Jesus nailed hands, feet,” she explains. Also in the video, young children warned that they would deserve death because often naughty. In the second fragment of the “teacher” puts on the head of the doll Serezha crown of thorns of Christ, asking how much it hurt him. We will add that in the description of the video stated that the program is designed for kids aged 3-6 years, and the purpose of this lesson is “to tell children about the true meaning of Easter — the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.” The social networks were surprised that the children’s hard content. Some joked, some decided to complain about the movie.

how lovely
you kids are unruly, they deserve death?

the Lizistrata (@Lysistrata_by) May 26, 2020

This is a new transfer of “rest in peace kids.”

— 中国游击队 Chinese guerrillas (@zhongguodangren) May 27, 2020

Teacher: remember, who will study well will go to Paradise, will learn bad – go to hell.
Children: Maryvanna, and the chance to finish school living there?

— Andrei Chesnokov (@fl25Zpy92IonpKg) May 27, 2020 Videos about Easter is not removed, it has 2.4 thousand likes and 138 dislikes allowed. Comments to the original video disabled.

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